Our 2013 grade 8’s had their first taste of being a Northwood Squire after experiencing a fun-filled two day orientation at their new school.
The staff and prefects planned a busy and engaging program for the boys – with the highlight being the braai and sleepover on Monday evening. Even though the boys had a busy day of sporting, academic and social activities, most were still awake until the small hours off the morning! Tuesday morning saw many tired yet happy faces as they all trooped off for breakfast and a swim before being taken to the school hall to practice the Northwood Call and to sign the Squires Pledge.
The Northwood orientation is a supervised program that is targeted towards whole-school leadership and character development. Although possibly challenging at times, it is an enjoyable and worthwhile experience which familiarizes the boys with the facilities, academic and extra mural expectations, as well as giving the boys the opportunity to make new friends.
We wish all our new Grade 8 s a happy and productive year ahead!