Northwood’s Lego Club, The Technic Knights, Initiate Fundraiser for Domino Foundation

Northwood’s Lego Club, The Technic Knights, presented a food hamper to our neighbour, The Domino Foundation.

The Domino Foundation has 4000 beneficiaries between the ages of 0 and 18, in including the Domino Babies Home. The Technic Knights initiated a whole-school fundraising drive, and a healthy hamper of non-perishable food items was collected.

The Technic Knights will enter the First Lego League (FLL) competition later this year where the robot they will build and programme using the Lego Mindstorm kits, will compete against those built by other schools. The four core values that underpin the FLL are: co-operation, discovery, integration and development. At present the Technic Knights are discovering their own strengths in benefitting others and the world around them. Well done SAP Technic Knights!

Northwood School’s Lego Club, The Northwood SAP Technic Knights, with Shaun Tait from the Domino Foundation.


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