Northwood Speech Day

Northwood held its annual prize giving ceremony on Friday 12th October under poignant circumstances. On this occasion, the school’s long-serving Headmaster, Mr. Tony Jordan, gave his final address on Speech Day. The event was attended by principals from our feeder schools as well as from our neighbouring high school, members of the Northwood Governing Body, parents and other local dignitaries including two of Northwood’s past Headmasters, Mr Ian Corbishley and Mr Alan Wilkinson. Guest of honour was Northwood’s Mr John McGlashan.

On these occasions, the Headmaster gives his annual report on the state of the school and develops a theme for the occasion. On this particular day, Mr. Jordan commented on the state of education in our country and province, outlined the successes that the school had achieved, and then went on to reflect on the changes he has observed during his time at Northwood. The school is certainly a different one to the place at which he arrived in 1976. Not only has technology transformed the manner in which teaching and learning is managed, but attitudes of all concerned have changed as well. Teaching styles have also become more “user-friendly” while maintaining professional standards. Mr Jordan commented on the trend of modern, recent generations to be less mindful of the need to respect authority, and cautioned that the need to respect authority is an invaluable life skill, as it pervades every aspect of life. As he concluded his speech by wishing the matrics of 2012 every success, the school paid their tribute to him by giving him a standing ovation. It certainly was a most moving moment.

Members of senior management made short speeches on behalf of staff, in acknowledgement of Mr. Jordan’s wide-ranging academic, leadership and administrative skills, his humility, supportiveness and kindness.

Mr McGlashan’s address was a polished one. He had us by turns in stitches of laughter, musing over a finely crafted point, or taking in his perspective gained by long years of service to Northwood.

After our prize winners had been given their trophies, the new Student Leader’s were announced.  The Headboy is Matthew de Sousa who will have the support of his Deputies: Yastheel Devnarrian, Simon du Plessis, Sakhile Mazibuko and Dale van der Merwe.

Northwood’s retiring headmaster, Tony Jordan, (centre) with the school’s past Headmasters Mr Ian Corbishley(left) and Mr Alan Wilkinson (right).

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