Friday 12 September 2014 at Mount Edgecombe Golf Course
It’s almost time for our Northwood School Annual Golf Day! This is a perfect opportunity to market your company, entertain your clients or just enjoy a fun day on the golf course!
Please help us make our Golf Day a success by offering your assistance; either by booking a four ball, hole sponsorship, sponsoring prizes (and wrapping prizes), and referring your contacts to us should they be interested in marketing their company on the day.
Four-ball (Alliance): R475 per person Includes Dinner and Prize Giving
R1900 per Four-ball (Handicap limit, men 18 / women 24)
Sponsorships: Title Sponsor: includes registration area, putting greenand prize giving venue R 5000
Halfway House R 1000
Hole Sponsorships R 1000
Prizes: 4 of each The sky is the limit!
[prettyfilelink src=”” type=”pdf”]Players Entry Form PDF[/prettyfilelink]
Please can all prizes be brought in by Friday 5 September, or sooner, in order for us to allocate and wrap.
Please contact Jenni-lyn van Niekerk on Tel: (031) 5636501 / Fax: (031) 5641898 or email:
We look forward to a great day of golf!
Your Sincerely
Jenni-lyn van Niekerk
Golf Day Coordinator
Payment Details
Northlands/Beachwood High School Fund t/a Northwood School FNB – Durban North (220426) Account No : 50791003665 *Please use “Golf” and your surname or company name as a reference, please email proof of payment to