Northwood School Announces Cambridge Education from 2023

While 2021 saw the opening of the state of the art Victor Daitz Centre for Innovation, Northwood have set their sights firmly on 2023 with the exciting planned opening of The Northwood Cambridge Academy as part of their academic offering.

This, along with the dynamic industry relative inclusion of vocational NSC subjects, affords their learners the opportunity to work to their unique strengths and potential within a world class traditional boy’s high school environment.

As an internationally recognised education programme, the Cambridge Assessment International Education offers easier access to international tertiary education. It is a valuable extension to the schools’ current education offering in meeting the needs of parents and students considering overseas tertiary opportunities.

The Northwood Cambridge Academy, which will officially open its doors for students 2023, will offer the Cambridge IGCSE, AS Level and the A Level courses taught during timetabled lesson times by qualified, experienced teachers. Cambridge students will be fully integrated into all other activities of the school, including assemblies, award ceremonies and all extra-curricular activities. Class sizes will be limited to 15 boys per class, with access to state of the art technology. Students who are interested in the Cambridge programme will be required to write an entrance exam and demonstrate the set aptitude for the curriculum.

2023 will also welcome the introduction of CIVIL TECHNOLOGY as an addition to the school’s current NSC Subject package.

This industry relative subject incudes skill based development aspects such as construction, electrical work, plumbing and electronics, and as a vocational subject, further future-proofs Northwood boys, equipping them to leave school as potential entrepreneurs into the world.

Paul Viljoen, Northwood Headmaster:

“We are excited about these additions to our curriculum as this will further speak to the significance of each boy and will create opportunity to future proof our boys.”

Northwood will host various Open Evenings which parents and prospective students are invited to attend for a tour of their school and two Boarding Houses.

Northwood Cambridge Academy: 17 February 2022 Information Evening

Northwood Grade 6 Open Evening:

15 February 2022 (Tour of Facilities, Boarding Houses and Presentation)

Northwood Grade 7 Open Evening:

16 February 2022 (Tour of Facilities, Boarding Houses and Presentation)

Should you require further information regarding our Cambridge programme, please E-mail Mr Chetty: or Call: (031) 563 6501

For General School Admissions

Please E-mail:

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