Northwood Knighting Ceremony 2022

Our Class of 2022 received their Knight pins during the Knighting Ceremony, a special milestone moment in their high-school career, made more poignant by each parent and guardian pinning the Knight to their son’s blazer. Thank you to previous Head Boy (2018), Cameron Ciaglia, who was guest speaker at the event.
We wish our young Knights all the best for the year ahead.
“Acquit Ye Like Men”
Cameron Ciaglia Speech:

It’s quite amazing actually, everything you have ever done in life has led you to this moment right now. Every decision, every word spoken every reaction and every bond formed has cultivated your very existence. Enjoy it, don’t destroy it, Embrace it, don’t deface it, send it, don’t end it. Becausewe are the revolution to our evolution, the architects to our prospects and the engineers to our careers.

Good morning Mr Viljoen, teachers, parents and of course the class of 2022.

It’s been almost 4 years since I’ve last stood on this podium but my legs are still shaking  more than  ever. I think the only time one feels more nervous is when Mr Govender calls you by your full name.

For those of you that dont know me, my name is Cameron Ciaglia and I had the amazing opportunity to lead the school as Headboy back in 2018. I am currently in my fourth and final year of studying Civil Engineering at the University of Pretoria.

A lot has changed in the 4 years that I’ve been gone. Corona changed from a beer to a virus, tiktok changed from the sound a clock makes to a social media app, and apparently Mr Stanley trimmed his moustache. But most importantly  you guys changed from squires to knights. A journey  different to mine due to the pandemic, but a journey that will stay with you till the day your children become squires.

Having the opportunity to stand here and speak to you today is very special to me considering you were my group of grade 8’s. I don’t know if it was the fact that the majority of you were taller than me or down to the fact that we had the same maturity level but I felt something special about your year. And that feeling aged well as this may be the most crucial year in terms of keeping traditions and the true morals of a Knight alive.

These last 2 years have been interrupted by pandemics and civil unrest which had the potential of derailing the progress made in your daily lives. The current Grade B’s, 9’s and 10’s have not experienced even 50% of what makes Northwood, Northwood. The monumental days of turning goldstones into bluestones. The old boys day victories on this very field that give you goosebumps and the camaraderie between the grades as you sing the Northwood Call till your voice has completely disappeared. These are the  days that will stay with me forever. But my challenge to you, the knights of 2022 is to refuel that fire in the grades below you and be remembered as the year that Northwood went from good to great. Work harder than any year before, not just for personal success, but to be an example  that people desire to imitate. These lower grades need you more than ever and the time is now to step up.

I speak to the first team captains, the prefects, the headboy, the games room boys, the tech team, the guys that sit at the back of the class, then I say put your differences aside and come together as the  knights of Northwood. I’ve always said it’s not the size of the knight in the fight but rather the size of the fight in the knight – and that fight gents, is what I see in you.

But damn it was one hell of a fight. Knights of 2022, I wish you good luck. Thank you.

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