Northwood Announces 2018 Appointment of Mr Thomas Barry as Deputy Headmaster

Northwood is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Thomas Barry who takes up the position of Deputy Headmaster in the 1st term of 2018.

Aside from his current position of Head of Academics and Curriculum at Curro Nelspruit since 2013, Mr Barry has considerable teaching and managerial experience, having held positions both abroad and locally.

“My teaching and managerial duties abroad and especially in South Africa at Hoërskool Middelburg, Penryn College and Curro Nelspruit, have made me realise that it is my duty to assist young people in equipping themselves for life after school.  Life beyond school requires tenacity to attain success.  And it is for this that learners should be prepared to become balanced adults who fill their places in society by positively contributing towards a more constructive co-existence for all mankind.”

On visiting Northwood a few weeks ago, Mr Barry expressed his excitement and enthusiasm for the task ahead, and was impressed by the passion that staff, students and Old Boys had for the school. “I believe that Northwood has the people, facilities, traditions and infrastructure to be “The School Of Choice”, not only in Durban or KwaZulu-Natal, but also in South Africa.”

Having been a former boarder himself at Hoërskool Zeerust, as well as being a house master at two different schools, Mr Barry believes that a boarding establishment should be a home away from home for every boy. “I strive not to be judgmental or prejudiced towards other people because I believe that “there’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face”. I see myself as a very objective viewer of my environment and the people contained therein.”

A keen sportsman, both in coaching and playing, Mr Barry occasionally finds time in his busy schedule to work on his golf handicap, in the hopes of someday attaining a single figure.

We look forward to welcoming Mr Barry to the Northwood family, and in the further strengthening of our capable Senior Management structure.

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