Northwood 2015 European Cultural Tour

During the school holidays a group of Northwood School and Northlands Girls pupils were privileged to tour 6 European cities namely London, Paris, Berlin, Barcelona and Istanbul. Travelling around Europe despite experiencing some of the hottest days they have experienced in over 10 years, proved to be very exciting for them, for many it was the first time they had left Durban. London and Paris never disappointed with the shopping and although the boys were in awe of how much a girl really can spend in a couple of hours, some of them were up for the competition. Berlin was a reminder of how devastating Hitler’s reign really was and seeing remnants of the Berlin Wall really brought home just how much suffering and segregation was endured by many. On to Barcelona, the city that never sleeps – fortunately our hotel was away from the beaches and main shopping hub or we would never have got any of our teens to bed! Visiting La Sagrada Familia, a historic church designed by the famous architect, Gaudi, was out of this world, to think that although he passed away in 1926 the church is still being built with the aim to complete in 2026. Istanbul was the perfect way to end our tour. Although a bustling hive of activity being one of the main shipping ports in the world, our visit to Canakkele the site where the Battle of Gallipoli took place, was a contemplative and moving way to end our 13 days in Europe. A big thank you to all the parents for making this tour possible for the children and to the boys for being so well behaved, interested and appreciative!

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