Northwood School vs : Glenwood
Venue: Northwood
Date of match: 01/02/2014
Score: Glenwood 210/9 from 50 overs Northwood 75 all out 39.1 overs
Report done by: Rob Clift
Glenwood batted first on a cloudy morning and Northwood were up for the challenge playing against a strong team. Northwood’s bowling started well and had the Glenwood team on the back foot at 29 for 2. Good batting managed to increase the total to 125 for 2 until Northwood’s bowling pulled it back to 176 for 6. Eventually the Glenwood team managed to get to 210 for 9 from their 50 overs which was a solid effort from our bowlers considering a strong batting lineup.
Northwood’s reply with the bat started but were quickly put on the backfoot with some strong opening bowling. The batting lacked some partnerships and Glenwood took toll and managed to bowl out Northwood for 75.