Busy Brass Band

The Northwood Brass Band, made up entirely of school boys, has played at three high profile events over as many weeks.

Mrs Gail Teunissen, the Headmistress of Addington Primary School, and an educator of 42 years experience, was paraded into the school and serenaded by the Northwood drummers to mark her retirement on Tuesday 31 July 2012.  This was a bitter-sweet affair, celebrating the incredible life of service “Mrs T” has given to the school and community.

There was little room to rest as eleven of the band members moved straight into rehearsal for the Corobrick Orchestra 2012, performance held on Sunday 5 August – a massed orchestra put together every year at UKZN Westville, under the baton of well-known conductor Richard Cock. A challenging program including classical and popular pieces, allowed the band boys to really show their talent, and earned the band and Northwood a commendation from the Maestro himself.

As if this wasn’t enough, the whole band joined forces with the Brass Band from Ferrum High in Newcastle on 11 August 2012, to perform at the well-supported Highland Games up at Fort Nottingham in the KZN Midlands. Performing both marching and concert displays, the combined band performed incredibly well, giving a great showing next to the SA Army Band and the KZN Pipe Bands, even receiving an invitation to perform at the annual “Music from Scotland” evening at the end of September.  The band ended a very successful weekend with a snowball fight on the way home.

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